Submit Your COVID-19 Stories
Contribute to the COVID-19 Community Archive Project
Hamilton's Water Story

Everyone has a story. Explore our ongoing relationship to water in Hamilton. Share your story with us.
Covering two thirds of the earth's surface and forming two thirds of the human body, water is one of the most important elements responsible for life on earth.
In partnership with the Art Gallery of Hamilton, the exhibition Water Works and RESERVOIR: Stories of Water the Love Your City, Share Your Stories – Water digital storytelling project aims to capture individual stories related to water in the City of Hamilton. Care will be taken to ensure that input from the Hamilton community is representative, inclusive and diverse. What stories can you tell about water? Have water features in this city shaped you in an essential way? Do you have a memory in which water transported, engulfed, nourished, assailed or transformed you?
Interested in sharing your story with us? Complete an online expression of interest.
For more information about the project, please contact: